Purpose Discovery Academy


Money is a measure of value. When you don’t have money in your pocket or your bank account, you must never conclude that you are poor,. You could define that state as being broke, but you are not poor if these five things are accessible to you or available to you.

God did not create money, but He created laws that govern the universe to help everyone who desires to become richer than they were at birth to grow their true riches into income streams and eventually a river or ocean of wealth.

You were born rich. Yes, you, reading this article right now. You were born rich with a unique value, a unique seed, a unique ability, and a unique capacity but your mentality about money and how it is generated could be blocking your mind from seeing these 5 things as superior to money in the order of priority of the true riches of life.

Listen to what Jesus said then compare it with what the Wisest King of his time also said then we will come back to learn what these 5 things are:


Matthew 6:24 NIV

[24]  “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.”


You cannot serve God and money, but you can serve God with money.


King Solomon said:

Proverbs 16:16 MSG

[16] Get wisdom—it’s worth more than money; choose insight over income every time.”


Please read on with an open mind so you can see why you should not choose money above any of these five riches of life.

1. SPIRITUAL WELL-BEING: Are you aware you are a spiritual being? You are a spirit being just having a human experience. The quality of your spirit determines the quality of your life. When your spirit is not in a good state of health no matter how much money you have in the bank, you are going to feel broke and unhealthy deeply inside your soul. Many are so poor all they have is money. They have chosen to make money their master rather than bow to God as their Master.

Money is a great servant but a bad master. If you pursue money, you will break God’s laws which have consequences but every time you break a spiritual principle your spirit being (your heart) becomes stiff and hardened due to this sequence, and eventually you become a slave to this process. It’s called being trapped in the rat race. It’s a cycle of just being busy without a higher meaning to your life and even if you managed to accept Christ into your heart, you are not serving His Purpose nor have you discovered your purpose for life. God’s Presence won’t mean much to you because you won’t have the luxury of time to ‘waste with an unseen Being’. After all, you are busy chasing GOLD. 

I have studied and observed this rule for the past 24 years and have concluded that those who chase gold always miss God’s best but those who chase God always gather gold like dust. Your true essence will only be discovered when you value God’s Presence. I am not referring to the Christian ritual of going to church but cultivating a living relationship with God to the point that if He asks you to quit a job, end a relationship, or stop your relocation plans to Canada or the UK, you will still be okay to serve Him because you love Him

2. TIME: When very rich people die, most don’t run out of money, but they run out of time. Time is what I call, “The Intangible Measure of Existence”. Time is one of the currencies God distributed equally to all men of different races and colours. But many poor people spend time to save money rather than spend money to save time. When I was in my early twenties, I was listening to a radio broadcast of Success Power by Rev. Sam Adeyemi and I heard him say, “The rich spend money to save time, the poor spend time to save money”. That statement shook me to my deepest foundational beliefs, and I pondered on it long. I realized I had been wasting time to save money in my choice of means of transportation to the university I was attending then. I made quick adjustments when I understood this statement and my mindset was reset from that day on. Let me show you what I mean by this analogy. 

If you had to travel to a place you could go to by air or by road, which option would you choose if you had the funds for both? I currently live in Lagos, Nigeria, and the travel time by air to Abuja is approximately 1 hour but by road 12 hours. The fare by air will seem unfair to the person with a poverty mindset, while a person with a growth and rich mindset will value the hours, he or she can save by travelling by air. I can travel to Abuja by 7 am and arrive by 8 am, meet my clients, close the deal of #100 million ($100,000) by noon, then fly back to Lagos by 3 pm and arrive by 4 pm. The person who chooses to go by road will still be on the road to Abuja by the time I am settled with my family in Lagos, saving money but spending his ‘life’ because your time is your life.

3. ACCESS TO WISDOM & INSIGHT: The 3rd thing better than money according to King Solomon in Proverbs 16v16 is wisdom and insight. If you must choose between buying a book or buying food, what do you choose? If you must choose between going to watch a movie with friends at the cinema for #20,000 ($200) or attending a seminar for #40,000 ($400) what will you do? Listen, the quality and quantity of your learning is what determines the quality and quantity of your earnings. When you don’t attack your ignorance in secret, your ignorance will attack your reputation in public and can destroy it if you permit it. Go chase your dreams but fund your personal development programmes with money, because when you empty your wallet into your brain, you have not lost the money.

4. RELATIONSHIPS: People are priceless assets, and you cannot trade on the stock exchange. When Elijah came to visit the widow of Zarephath in the story in the Bible, he instructed her to go borrow vessels from her neighbours, and told her, “Borrow not a few”. The super cannot work if the natural is not in place, so praying for a supernatural turnaround when you have fought all the people in your life and you are currently living in strife. Imagine this widow had 50 neighbours, but she is on good terms with just 10, which means, she will be made to miss out on 40 people who could have created 40 new possibilities for her. Never forget this, people are doors, don’t bang them, people are keys, don’t throw them away and people are treasures, treasure them. Don’t ever fight a relationship you have built over the years because they owe you some money, rather than gain the money and lose the relationship. 

I have deliberately shared only 4 out of the 5 things better than money which create the acronym S.T.A.R. I would love you to leave a comment on this post and guess what the 5th thing better than money is and the clue is it makes STAR become S.T.A.R.S.

Please share this article with your friends and networks. I wish you great success this week in the pursuit of your Purpose.

Exceed as you proceed!


Written by Mr. Purpose Int’l.


  1. Maduka Goodness

    Thank you so much sir for this, I really learn a lot.

    *You cannot serve God and money, but you can serve God with money.
    *Money is a great servant but a bad master.

  2. Elijah and the widow of Zarephath was my highlight. Wow! “Imagine this widow had 50 neighbours, but she is on good terms with just 10, which means, she will be made to miss out on 40 people who could have created 40 new possibilities for her. People are doors, don’t bang them.”🙌🙌🙌

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