About Us
Purpose Discovery Academy (PDA) is the place to go to receive 360-degree Purpose education. It was born as a response to a deep need for an institution where young people can learn in a structured way, how to discover their true identity, which is a natural consequence of discovering God’s Purpose.
The founder, Noah AfeOluwape after many years of research saw a gap in the Educational sector in Nigeria and Africa. He was inspired to develop a very uncommon curriculum with 12 unique courses that guide young people to glide into deeper dimensions of their true identity, thereby beginning their self-discovery journey.
OUr vision
To become the leading Purpose Discovery Academy in Africa that helps individuals and corporate organizations discover and maximize their purpose for existence.
To equip, educate and empower young people with the resources to discover, develop and deploy their potential to fulfil their Personal Purpose.
Our vision and mission are anchored in our core values coined into the acronym, P.U.R.P.O.S.E, because we believe that when the purpose of a thing or person is not known, abuse is inevitable.
Our vision and mission are anchored in the core belief that when the purpose of a thing is not known abuse is inevitable.
Purposeful Living
We believe strongly in intentional living and focusing on God’s focus for life. We believe for a person to be effective, one has to be selective with their daily opportunities.
Utilizing Daily Opportunities
We believe a person who desires to fulfil purpose must have a bias for action which is the antidote for procrastination. Being aware of your purpose makes you live prepared so that when opportunities show up, and they often do unannounced, you are ready to utilize them
God hides treasures in people. The key to unlocking these treasures is to develop a passion for people by adding our unique value to everyone we meet and being courteous towards everyone. Our priority is impacting people, so we measure our profit by how many people we have impacted with our vision and values
Passionate about People
God hides treasures in people. The key to unlocking these treasures is to develop a passion for people by adding our unique value to everyone we meet and being courteous towards everyone. Our priority is impacting people, so we measure our profit by how many people we have impacted with our vision and values
We believe originality is the key to acceptability. Imitation leads to limitation, so we focus on our unique difference which is our unique advantage in the market place
Service driven
We believe our greatness is released through service and is increased through service. We go the extra mile to ensure people are empowered, equipped and educated on how to discover, develop and deploy their potential for the fulfilment of their purpose
Empower People
We believe in the principle that a candle does not lose its own light when it lights up another candle, hence we are committed to seeing everyone that comes in contact with us liberated through knowledge application not just knowledge acquisition.
Our transformation loop is designed to create a continuous cycle of growth, achievement, and success:
Priority for Life
Finding and focusing on your personal purpose for life helps you have the right set of priorities. You become selective with what you give attention to and what you invest time in. Purpose makes you selective, so that your life can be affective.
Every remarkable achiever has had an exceptional dream to change the world by pursuing and fulfilling their life's purpose. This passion fuels their ability to take uncommon steps to achieve their uncommon dream.
When you are unsure of your life's purpose, you may struggle to navigate difficult times. However, if you learn to align your thoughts with God's, you can establish a clear set of core values that will guide you through any challenge and lead you to success.
Persistence and pursuit of purpose through the vehicle of an uncommon dream is the highway achievers use to arrive at Success Island, after journeying through the scourge of the tongue of men who are naysayers and doubters.
The Original intent of every product is in the mind of the manufacturer, and it is usually found in its manual. Purpose empowers you to find the original intent for your life and other important things in life. You stop experimenting with your life and begin to live intentionally. It is intentional living that leads to exceptional living.
Every human has the potential to become successful but achieving personal success doesn't make you significant until you begin to live out your true purpose. What makes you successful is what you do to make a living, what makes you significant is what you do for the living to make life worth living for others.
God invested a unique seed in each of us which automatically defines the Expected end of that seed; fruits and more fruitfulness. No matter how fast others seem to be moving in life, they cannot arrive at your pre-determined destination. Purpose defines your expected end and helps you stay focused till you finish your unique race.
Enroll for any of our life changing courses at Purpose Discovery Academy and embark on a transformative journey that empowers you to become who you always dreamed to be. Let’s empower, equip, and educate you on how to discover, develop, and deploy your true potential and fulfil your personal purpose.